Have you heard about Linkedin’s new pilot product?

Have you heard about Linkedin’s new pilot product?

Linked In’s vision for this marketplace is to help New York City graphic designers like me land new clients. I’m currently part of an exclusive group because of my impressive LinkedIn profile. Linked In started testing ProFinder in the SF Bay Area, and...
10 Things Your Logo Might Be Saying and You Don’t Even Know It

10 Things Your Logo Might Be Saying and You Don’t Even Know It

Customers form an opinion about your business in 90 seconds and one of their first impressions comes from your logo. Your logo is one of the first impressions your customers will have of your business, so it’s important that it communicates the right message....
Is Linkedin worth the time?

Is Linkedin worth the time?

Do you get business from Linkedin? I’ve been on linkedin since 2003. I have over 45 recommendations, 900 endorsements, and 1,500 connections. I was even recognized by Linkedin for having one of the top 5% most view profiles on linkedin in 2012. Yet as far as I...