The Graphics Guy

Graphic Designer in West Long Branch

Graphic Design / Website Design & Digital Media / Branding Development / SEO / Print /  Strategic Marketing

Years of Experience

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Graphic Design

  • Logo Design
  • Business Cards
  • Brochures
  • Consumer Packaging
  • Event Graphics
  • Displays, Banners & Signs
  • Vehicle Graphics
  • Photoshop Editing

Web Development

  • Custom Website Designs
  • Mobile Websites
  • E-Commerce Websites
  • Responsive Websites
  • Search Engine Optimized
  • User-Friendly Interface

Internet Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • AdWords Management
  • Lead Generation

Brand Development

  • Corporate Identity 
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Strategy
  • Google Analytics

Video Marketing

  • Youtube Video Ads 
  • Facebook Videos

Your Local Marketing Expert

With over 30 years of professional experience in corporate, “big brand” advertising, Robert has worked for some of the world’s largest companies and most respected brands.

Robert’s extensive client list illustrates his ability to deliver proven results creatively and generate great ROI for companies of all sizes.

AI Marketing: Smart Tool, Not Magical Replacement

AI Marketing: Smart Tool, Not Magical Replacement

Forget buzzwords and hype. AI Marketing isn’t just trendy; it’s a practical shift in how businesses automate tasks and reach their goals. From scheduling posts to personalizing content, AI streamlines marketing, giving you time for strategy and growth.

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