Determining the Need for a Sitemap

Determining the Need for a Sitemap

Whether you require a sitemap or not depends on several factors. Let’s examine the XML sitemap first. The following questions can help you decide if an XML sitemap is necessary for your website: Is your website large enough that Google may overlook newly updated...
What are the top 5 reason you should never use ChatGPT?

What are the top 5 reason you should never use ChatGPT?

With all the hype in the news about artificial intelligence, I thought it would be interesting to ask ChatGPT to write and article on why you should NOT use ChatGPT to write your articles and this is what it said: ChatGPT is an advanced language model created by...
16 Free Fonts That Every Graphic Designer Should Have

16 Free Fonts That Every Graphic Designer Should Have

Every great artist has an arsenal of tools they use for creating amazing designs. Having been in the graphic design field for more than 30 years now, I have in-depth knowledge of what elements will help make a good design better. Fonts are a huge part of building your...